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GitHub Repository Creation

You'll need a GitHub repository to host the pack files. duh

There are two ways the mod can operate:

  • Single pack mode: This is the basic option. Here the root of the repository is also the root of the resource pack. The pack.mcmeta file will be right in the root of the repo along with your assets folder.

  • Multi pack mode (what I recommend): This is a little more advanced, but it's still easy to set up thanks to a template repo I made. Here you can have multiple resource packs! The root of your repository should include a packs folder which can contain .zip files and folders which contain the content of the packs. They do need to be prefixed with a priority. (which you can read more about here)

Multi pack from template

I've made a nice template repository, so you can easily get started with your packs!
So, what you'll need to do is visit the template here.
You should see a green button that says Use this template. Click on it and select Create a new repository.
This should bring you to the repository creation page. Here you can give your repository a name and, if you want, you can make it private as well.

Image showing an example configuration on the repository creation page

Once you're done, just press the Create repository button.

We will come back to the repository after configuring the mod.